
Doctoral Programs

Doctor of Ministry | Doctor of Leadership

Find Renewal

Discover a community and address a ministry challenge with confidence

You need a community to collaborate with you to address professional challenges in your context. Our unique doctoral programs invite you to address the needs of our world and help form you as a ministry leader to bring about change.

Portland Seminary offers two professional doctoral programs that are the most advanced degrees for educated, experienced leaders as they cultivate and grow their influence:

Accredited by the Association of Theological Schools, our online doctoral programs develop confident, Christ-centered leaders skilled in creatively addressing the needs, problems or opportunities in their contexts. In each doctoral program, you’ll benefit from:

  • A lead faculty mentor, there to shape and inspire your experience as you travel throughout your program
  • A close, cohort community
  • A flexible, online format
  • Intentional and formative face-to-face experiences
  • The Collaborative Design methodology for addressing a real need, problem, or opportunity in your context
  • A Project Portfolio research sequence designed for ministry professionals, in place of a thesis

Whether you start a nonprofit, launch a podcast, or write a book, our approach to Collaborative Design for Ministry and Nonprofit Contexts equips you to address a ministry need, problem, or opportunity. The programs lead you on a journey of discovery where you will gain a skill set that you will use regularly after graduation.

Smallgroup meeting

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

Address real-world concerns with a researched approach

The health and growth of churches today depends on " doctors of the church" who are dynamic in their problem solving and passionate about the church’s vitality. The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Leadership and Spiritual Formation degree is a professional doctorate focusing on developing skills in application-oriented research for a ministry setting.

Portland Seminary's Doctor of Ministry program will equip you to address the needs of your community in a tangible, practical way. Now more than ever, churches need growing leaders, renewed in their calling, who are able to solve real-world problems in their context. 

This degree requires an accredited master's degree in a ministry-related field with significant experience. Don't have a ministry-related master's degree? Check out the admission requirements for doctoral programs.

Speaker addresses a crowd

Doctor of Leadership

Differentiated leadership in an anxious world

As an educated, experienced Christian leader, you see the need to guide your community or organization through uncertain times into a hopeful future. Join a Christ-centered, theologically-informed and faith-affirming Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives program tasked with equipping you to do just that.

This degree requires a relevant master's degree for admission.

Still unsure if a professional doctorate is the right approach?

Find out how to choose between a professional doctorate or a PhD

Stephanie Hurd

Stephanie Hurd

Doctor of Ministry

The greatest joy of my [doctoral program] was the gaining of knowledge within the relationships of my cohort. It was the delivery model of honing and sharpening together with [lead mentor]... and my fellow cohort. I was joining others on a journey that drew me closer to Jesus and strengthened my vocation.


Haley Holman

Haley Holman

Admissions Counselor, Portland Seminary