
Winston Seegobin, PsyD

Professor of Psychology

Specialties & Research Areas:

  • Multicultural Studies
  • International Technique
  • Christian Faith Integration
Winston Seegobin

Winston Seegobin, PsyD, received an undergraduate degree in theology from Jamaica Theological Seminary, an MA in clinical psychology from Wheaton College, and an MA and PsyD in clinical psychology from Central Michigan University. He was professor of psychology at Messiah College for 13 years, where he also did psychotherapy with students of color, international students, and third-culture students.

He is a member of the Christian Association for Psychological Services and served on the Board of CAPS-East. He also holds membership in the American Psychological Association (Division 36 (executive committee), 45 and 52) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.

Seegobin's clinical work focuses on multicultural therapy, child and marital therapy, and treatment of post traumatic stress disorder. Originally from the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean, he conducts research on Caribbean families, Trinidad marriages, and Christian, Hindu, and Muslim children's image of God. Other research interests include the integration of psychology and Christianity, and hope and resilience.

Seegobin enjoys traveling, reading, playing his 12-string guitar, and vacationing at the beach with his family.